And Esther said the adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman. Then Haman was afraid before the King and the Queen. (ESTHER 7:6)
At some point the King deemed it fit that Esther should also speak. In any way you have been accused falsely, the Word of God has delivered to you Justice. You are vindicated and the plaintiff is put to shame.
God will arise to defend you and send you help from the most unusual source and in a dimension that will surpass your expectation.
Whatever you say shall become a command to the Angels because they are set on high to minister unto you on daily basis.
You will no more lack any good thing, the time has come for you to start selecting what to eat, not because of health but because of abundance.
God knows how to transfer back what belongs to you. You don’t need to steal from your mockers and accusers.
Jesus is ready to do anything to bring into fulfillment all the words of prophecies that are in the Word.
You shall begin to lend to nations. The recession of the world’s economy won’t affect you anymore.
MEDITATION: The word of God is fighting my battles.
1 I declare that my Haman shall not escape the judgment of God in the name of Jesus.
2 Everyone under the disguise of an innocent person to torment me be exposed and disgraced in the name of Jesus.
FOR EXTRA DOSE, DWELL ON Esther 7:1-10, Psalms 34:10


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