Text: Romans 8:18-20

Ministering: Apostle Jordan Akada


1. Manifestation is for sons not for Children – (Galatians 4:1-2)

2. To unlock the fountain of your Destiny for a free flow of virtues.

3. It also means coming from the workshop to the showroom of your Destiny.

4. It means moving by the help of God through your own cooperation from obscurity to limelight.

5. It means coming willingly from bondage to Freedom.

6. Note and understand that God and Humanity yearn for the revelation of the real you to the Glory of God.

7. Manifestation is necessary and important because it is planted in you.

8. It also means manifesting the (light and salt) in you (Matthew 5:13-16)

Prophetic Declaration for You:
This month the world shall look for you because you carry what the world is looking for.


1. Taking full responsibility of your Ambassadorial Mandate – (2Corinthians 5:20).

a.) Witnessing for Christ (Acts 1:8).

b.) Making full proof of your identity Involves:

(i) As a chosen generation.

(ii) As a Royal Priesthood.

(iii) As a Holy Nations.

(iv) As a Peculiar Person or People.

(v) As one whom as escaped the corruption of this worldly pattern and is dwelling in the marvelous light of God (1Peter 2:9).

2. Manifestation means turning rejection to Acceptance, Appreciation and Recognition. This is the function of the Force of Grace, Faith and the Act of the Holy Ghost (Psalm 118:21).

3. It means God choosing you whom the world rate as foolish to shame the so called wise.

4. God using you whom the world rate as weak to shame the strong.

5. God using you whom the world rate as nothing, a despise one to frustrate what the world hold in the high esteem. 1Corinthians 1:27-28.

6. The unveiling of the image and likeness of God in you for the benefit of Humanity;(Gen. 1:28) Involves the Following:

(I) Rulership over the powers and ungodly influence of the Sea,

(ii) Rulership over the powers and ungodly influence of the Air,

(iii) Rulership over the powers and ungodly influence of the Land.

7. The exhibition of all round possibilities in the midst of impossibilities. This involves:

(i) Application of a living Faith through the living word of God (Romans 10:17, Matt. 17:20),

(ii) Believing wholly in the God of Possibilities (Mark 9:23),

(iii) Looking away from the limitations of man and looking unto Jesus (Luke 18:27, Mark 10:27),

(iv) Getting into an inseparable covenant with God (Luke 1:37).

8. To be fruitful in all things (Gen. 1:22). Being Fruitful Involves:

(i) Nations being made out of you (Gen. 17:6).

(ii) Living under the unction of Rehoboth (Gen. 26:22).

(iii) Living above Average in the land of affliction (Gen. 41:52).

9. To increase in the knowledge of God and his Word (Colossians 1:10).


* Every challenge standing before you is an opportunity for you to manifest this Month.

* Your trouble sometimes come to introduce you into your destiny.

* Your trouble shall introduce you to your Helpers.

* I command the problem that is hanging around you now to become the vehicle that will take you to

your glorious Destiny.

* Your manifestation shall reduce many people who never believe that something good can come out from my Nazareth (it shall be told them come and see).

* I command every question mark in your destiny to receive direct answers from Jehovah.

* Where they think you will perish that’s where you will shine.